Heel spur syndrome

What is a heel spur?

A heel spur, also known as Lenoir’s thorn, after its discoverer, corresponds to a bony outgrowth formed at the junction of the plantar fascia and the heel bone.


Where does it come from?

The problem usually originates from limited dorsal flexion of the ankle, a lake of the flexibility of the calf and/or the plantar fascia, or some kind of ankle joint locking. Certain factors may predispose people to these conditions, including:

  • The presence of a flat foot or cavoid foot;
  • A rigid plantar arch;
  • Excessive pronation of the foot;
  • An unstable ankle;
  • Walking on hard or unstable surfaces;
  • Wearing inadequate shoes;
  • A decrease in muscle flexibility;
  • Thinning of the plantar fat pad (with age).


How can it be recognized?

Discomfort in the heel, at nearly the same location as plantar fasciitis. This is why the two impairments are sometimes confused: heel spur syndrome may be the consequence of chronic fasciitis. The resulting pains are not due to ossification as such, but rather to persistent inflammation at this location.


Treatment solutions for heel spur syndrome

Wearing an orthotic insole, combined with stretching exercises, will eliminate the inflammation: the bone spur remains, but the pain disappears.

A foot orthosis helps relieve the symptoms: it distributes the pressure under the foot, supports the transversal arch and supports the heel. It helps control pronation of the foot in the three phases of the step.

It is recommended to wear an adapted shoe that respects the anatomy of the foot and provides it with good support The features to prefer are a thick sole, a heel about one inch high and a shock-absorbing heel pad.