Preventing knee pain

1. Do targeted exercises

The knee is a large joint surrounded by many stabilizer muscles. The more stable and solid your knees are, the better they are at doing what you want them to: running, going up and down stairs, downhill skiing, racquet sports and more.

There is a wide range of exercises to build up your knees. Before you start, prepare your body by warming up. Do a few minutes of stationary cycling or brisk walking, for example. Here are two exercises to strengthen your muscles and relieve the joint.

The bridge : excellent exercise for stability

  • Lying on your back, bend your legs to bring your heels close to your buttocks
  • Place your arms at your sides as they will provide support
  • Gently lift your hips toward the ceiling
  • Hold for 2 seconds, then return to the floor
  • Do about 10 reps

The shell: for toned buttocks that help support the knees

  • Still on the floor, turn onto your side
  • You can support your head in one hand and place the other hand in front to maintain your balance
  • Bend your knees slightly (like you’re starting to go into a fetal position)
  • Keeping your feet together, raise the top knee as high as possible without moving the rest of your body
  • Hold for a second, then lower your leg. Do 10 to 15 reps per leg

2. Choose gentle activities

The repetitive impacts typical of sports such as running, skiing or volleyball lead to early wear and tear of cartilage and joints. If you are prone to osteoarthritis or simply want to spare your knees, it is advisable to opt for no-impact activities, for example:

Weight training



Fast walking

3. Eat a healthy diet

Did you know that certain foods can increase the risk of knee pain? It’s true—especially when it comes to joint pain. Here are the main culprits:

Foods that cause inflammation: red meat, deli meats, gluten (bread, pizza, cake), fried food, soft drinks, juice, sweets, alcohol.

Fortunately, there are foods that promote knee health, most of which are rich in omega-3 or have anti-inflammatory properties:

Foods that are good for the knees: white meat, oily fish, ginger, turmeric, flaxseed, walnuts, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, garlic and olive oil.


4. Test your alignment

The human body is composed of different parts that we may tend to consider as “autonomous.” But these parts are actually closely linked and each influences the other.

For example, having flat foot can lead to ankle pain and knee pain, and even back pain.

In short, everything is connected. But how do you know if your biomechanical alignment is good?

Home evaluation

Stand in front of a mirror and observe your natural posture. Are your feet properly aligned? Is your weight evenly distributed? Then do this simple exercise:

  • Stand on one leg (leaning on a wall or chair if necessary). Bend the knee of the leg on the floor and come back up (slight squat).

As you repeat this movement, watch your knee. If you notice that the knee tends to go in or out, there may be an alignment issue. When in doubt, continue to do this type of exercise, striving to maintain alignment, or ask for a professional evaluation.

Professional evaluation

Médicus professionals have the knowledge and tools to perform  biomechanical alignment assessments. Depending on the results, they can also help you choose products adapted to your needs: custom-made orthoses, knee braces, splints, etc.


In conclusion, keep moving and having fun, but be mindful of your movements and the sensations in your knees. If you notice discomfort, don’t wait to seek help and find a solution that will allow you to stay active without pain.

To learn more about products designed to prevent leg pain, feel free to talk to our professionals. Médicus offers comfortable compression garments, supports such as splints, knee braces and ankle braces, as well as consultations with qualified orthotists-prosthetists.