Knee braces to make your job easier

Do you have knee pain on the job?

Knee pain can be a symptom that develops gradually if your job requires a particular amount of leg effort. If you work for a prolonged period in a stationary, standing or sitting position, or if you have to perform repetitive leg movements, this could cause pain in your knees.

Knee pain can also be caused by factors such as age, obesity, previous injuries and underlying health problems, such as arthritis.

If you have knee pain, it’s important to see a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. In many cases, they may recommend a knee brace or orthosis that will reduce the pressure on your knees.

Jobs most likely to cause knee pain

Some jobs may be more likely to cause knee pain due to the physical exertion required or prolonged work positions.

Standing still

Some jobs require long periods of standing. This is the case for food industry workers, cashiers and salespeople. Other jobs involve prolonged sitting. This is particularly true for office workers.

Physical work

More physical jobs involve repetitive movements, as for construction workers, gardeners and factory workers. Or they require heavy lifting. This includes movers, delivery people, construction workers and warehouse operators.

Kneeling position

There are jobs that require frequent kneeling. Plumbers, electricians and mechanics are in this category. Jobs that require walking on uneven or unstable surfaces can also lead to knee problems. This is the case for a number of construction trades and landscapers, for example.

The benefits of wearing a knee brace on the job

Wearing a knee brace or orthosis can have several benefits for workers with knee problems, including:


Pain reduction

Knee braces and orthoses can help reduce pain by distributing pressure over the entire knee and limiting movements that can cause pain.



Knee braces and orthoses can help stabilize the knee by reducing lateral movement and keeping the knee in place. This can be particularly beneficial for workers performing tasks that require lateral movement or pivoting.


Injury prevention

Wearing a knee brace or orthosis can help prevent injuries by reducing pressure on the knee and limiting movements that can cause injury.


Improved performance

Knee braces and orthoses can help improve performance by reducing fatigue and providing additional support for knee muscles and ligaments.

The right knee brace for your job

There are different types of knee braces for workers. Each has its own characteristics and specific uses.

Soft knee braces

They are made from flexible materials such as stretch weaves. They provide light compression and support. They are ideal for workers who have mild knee pain or want to prevent injury.

Rigid knee braces

They are made from materials like plastic or metal. They provide greater stability and support. They are generally recommended for workers with a knee injury or chronic pain.

Hinged knee braces

They have lateral hinges that provide additional stability for workers performing tasks that require side-to-side movement or pivoting.

Compression knee braces

They provide additional compression to reduce swelling and improve blood flow. This can be beneficial for workers who spend long periods of time standing or performing tasks that require repetitive movements.

Find a high-quality knee brace

A knee brace or orthosis should not be considered a substitute for appropriate medical treatment. If you have chronic pain or knee injuries, it is recommended that you see a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Make an appointment with an orthotist today!